
Showing posts from June, 2019

Culture Quickie - Deeper, Faster, Harder:

 My dear friend, If I read you correctly, your hopes will be dashed strum across the floor like lube at a sex club…both will go unnoticed and stepped on. I only tease, and we all know that’s not true, see I can take it as well as the next whore, which we all know is true. You wish to know how to maintain your connection with your charitable charge, in between your volunteer engagements? First off, good for you little slut, #commitmentgoals. Here are a few fast and simple tricks…Lance, Bob go to your room… to help you go deeper in with your service. One, talk to them on social media, get involved with a conversation, be funny and charming but not a total stalker. Two, totally stalk them, find out who they like and get to know them then tag, them in on the conversation, now you are learned and well connected.                                                        Your most open and learned of whores, Antoni Manwell Whore 4 Culture

Good Deeds & A Taylor Swift Concert

How Volunteering is like tots being obsessed with Taylor Swift The past couple of weeks more than one person made a point of asking me, “Have you heard the new Taylor Swift song?” I had not, part of me felt a bit guilty, and the other part felt a little judged. It was like people had asked me, “Did you vote?” and I said “no”. There was definitely shade being thrown. Then I realized in true Taylor fashion, get over yourself boys. So, what if I had not run and memorized the entire song in the first week of it being released, that did not make me a bad person, a lazy gay perhaps, but not a bad person. BTW, P.S. T.S. is not on my OMG list, again bad gay yes, antichrist, well maybe but that’s another story for another day. Taylor Swift, for me, is super fun once I start listening. The tune and her infectious, gitty, psyche linger a few days after, but then something or someone else comes along, and I'm totes obsessed with the next big thing in front of me. My passing fancy for T

My Identity Today for Equality Tomorrow

My Identity Today for Equality  Tomorrow by Antoni Manwell   The word 'trade' has a lot of different meanings, especially in queer culture. We talk about trade as in trading favors either for money, sex, or drugs.   We trade on our name, as in collateral or as a status symbol. The phrase trading up, meaning to come up in the world, like The Jefferson's or The Beverly Hillbillies.   Ever since marriage equality, gay culture has definitely traded on something, but was the trade worth the cost? Ask the lesbians who were assaulted a few weeks ago, they are likely to tell you a different story.   This is simply one gay non-white man's opinion. We as an LGBTQI culture, especially here in the south, have definitely made a trade, acceptance for queer identity.   It's like playing monopoly.   You have no money left and now you are just trading property for a chance to stay in the game. That certainly feels like the case with the closing of bars, clubs, and adul

Whore 4 Culture - Quickie, I'd?.. I?...Om?

You Whore,   Why of course you do, you too do idiom . Are we feeling a bit lost, confused, perhaps down in the dumps, or lost lost for words. I assure you we all idiom like duck to water. We are whores for idioms. you are not an idiot. So, what is it? An idiom? Let me ask you are you mad as a Hatter? Odd question to be sure. You might be thinking I have bats in your belfry, or a screw loose. Perhaps he's gone off his rocker they murmured. Not as such, but there is always tomorrow, and I can live to fight another day. Alright, I'll stop pulling your chain, and I won't mince words. To be clear, in no uncertain terms, an idiom, is a group of words established by usage as having a meaning not deducible from those of the individual words. Example: Held in Bondage. Family Guy on Fox Don't feel dumb as brick if you didn't know the definition. I also had to look it up after I had this conversation: A Whore: Hey Mr, what's an idiom? Me : Fuck if

Whore 4 Culture Quickie - Play and Save

 My Dearest Cheap Trick, You don't have to worry about listening to podcast all day long. Strip off that guilt with this cheap trick. Podcast can earn you a bit cash. We’re whores not sluts. Download Podcoin they have all your favorite podcast and the pay you points for listening. Disclaimer: Their point system is a crazy and depending on how much you listen it could take you a long time to earn enough points for rewards. That being said. You can earn enough points for Gift Cards to Amazon, Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks. You can also use your points to donate to charitable organizations. Full Frontal Disclosure, I am a bit of a slut, cause they did not pay me for this mention...yet. Faithful Yours, Antoni Manwell Whore 4 Culture

Whore 4 Culture Quickie - What did you just call me?!

My Dearest Cara, While Googling  Whores , don’t worry I ask my parents’ permission, to search for the entomology of the word Whore...s peaking of linguistic jobs. The word  Whore comes from Latin, Carus, dear, and Old Irish, Cara, friend.    Faithful yours, Antoni Manwell  Whore 4 Culture