Full Release

 I've been working and massaging it for a while and now I am ready to come...and tell you all about my new book Click Bait, just published on Amazon.

Here is a sample for you:

Stunned Confusion and a Go-Go Boy
Stunned confusion, this is what Franklin Baker felt throughout his body. His mind was stuck on a loop. His heart was racing he could feel it in his feet. His chest got tighter and he could feel the blood rushing to his face. He wanted to shrink away, or burst into laughter, or perhaps just scream and run out of the room. Franklin looked at the screen and started laughing, slowly at first, then imagining the very idea…
Franklin Baker, twenty-three years old, works for a bank, has two older brothers, and never once did anything beyond what was expected of him. Never got in trouble, never been in a fight, and had only kissed three people in his entire life. His mother, Chrissy Middleton on the playground in sixth grade, and even that he did on a dare from Brian Detwiler, and Larry Stocks, and most recently James Saint James, a go-go dancer, about three hours ago, at a bar, a gay bar, more specifically the Night Owl.  Franklin hadn't planned to be in the Night Owl, a gay bar, kissing a man, especially not a go-go boy, much less be in his apartment half naked at 2 A.M. How does one go from being basically a virgin to half naked on the sofa of someone so…notable?
Franklin had always been told to stay away from “those” types of bars. “People there will lead you down the wrong path”. He never really believed it. Now that he was here, he did begin to wonder. He always felt drawn to “those” types of people. There was an excitement, an energy that radiated off of them. This feeling of excitement coupled with panic grew in Franklin's chest every time he drove past a gay bar or walked by the gay book store. It was that feeling of standing on the edge of a diving board for the first time and wanting to jump, but horrified of what happens once you do. Tonight, was the night Franklin stopped resisting the urge and took a risk and jumped.
The bar was dark and there was a decent size crowd. Franklin stepped over the threshold the music was thumping yet indiscernible. He immediately felt uncomfortable in his own body. His mind raced with thoughts of “I should be here. I’m not wearing the right clothes. I don’t know anyone in there. What do I say? I’m not handsome enough. Is my stomach bulging out? His streaming thoughts stopped when he saw the bouncer leaning against the wall, he couldn't have been any taller than three-foot six and built like a shit brickhouse. He was wearing tight cut-off jean shorts that left left nothing, absolutely nothing to the imagination. Franklin only stopped staring at the obvious bulge when notice the burly bouncers black tank top that read Want to see something funny? Look in the mirror when I’m fucking you. Franklin smiled, an uncomfortable smile.
“You’re thinking about it.” The man said his voice had a gruffness that was unexpected.
“A little bit yeah.” Franklin eked trying to sound unshaken. 
“Trust me. Nothing little about this bit…ID." The bouncer asked. Franklin fumbled around and produced his ID. The bouncer, who barely glanced at the card waved Franklin in. “Have fun in their stud.”
Franklin stood there smiling a goofy and awkward grin. He called me stud, he thought.
"Our boys will show you a good time.” The bouncer tossed a look to the bartender, there was a clear line of sight from the entrance to the bar, then gave Franklin a wink.
This is it, Franklin Baker you are pioneer blazing new territory, exploring and discovering new things, like the first black man on Mars, he thought to himself as he walked into Night Owls. By the time he reached the bar, the bartender was sliding a drink to the neophyte.
"Here you go delicious. Complements, of J.J., the sexy black guy in the red thong on the box over there." The bartender tossed a glance and J.J. began doing a slow grind just for Franklin from across the bar.
Franklin was giddy with excitement first stud, now delicious he wondered what other adjectives would be tossed his way this evening.
"Thanks." Franklin took a sip; his chest grew warm.
"Don't thank me, thank J.J. over there." Franklin took another drink and walked over to the box where J.J. was dancing. "Thanks for the drink…looking for the proper adjective…handsome." Franklin complimented although he was disappointed in both his adjective selection as well as his foe swagger.
"Anything for my future ex-husband." J.J. flashed a smile and placed his hands-on Franklin shoulder and drew him closer. Franklin could smell J.J.'s cologne, it was intoxicating, or perhaps it was the drink, or perhaps the dancer’s sweaty body and pheromones were doing their thing. No matter the equation, Franklin was feeling a rush of excitement, fear, and euphoria wash all over him. J.J. leaned in closer so Franklin would be sure to hear his next words to him.
"You are coming home with me tonight." J. J’s voice was sensual, and full of swagger, his breath warm in Franklin's ear. Franklin felt his stiffy in an instant.
"What? Really? No, I couldn't…I' mean… I'm not sure…I just got here…" Franklin stumbled and stammered to keep all the words coming out of his mouth, maybe then the awkwardness would not swallow him entirely.
"You're cute when your flustered. Tell you what. Have another drink, or two, on me, no strings attached. If you are still here when I get off this box, I'll ask you again. What's your name?" J.J. asked his hands still on Franklin's shoulder, his fingers slowly caressing Franklin's neck.
"Franklin." He smiled and extended his hand. This was the first time all evening he felt comfortable.
"James." The dancer took Franklin's hand and gave it a firm grip. Then placed Franklin's hand on his bicep and held it there. "Don't be afraid to touch anything you like in here." He gave Franklin a light kiss on the cheek. I'll see you when I get off this box, and I got my eye on you while I'm up here." J.J. stood and went back to dancing. Franklin just stood there for a moment. The rest of the night was an uneventful blur, save for Franklin's first gay kiss. Franklin was four drinks in by the time J.J got off the box. J.J. grabbed Franklin and pulled him out onto the back patio. Franklin’s eyes grew wide as he almost tripped over the men playing a game of naked human knots on dots. J.J. pulled his head toward him and before Franklin could protest the dancer’s tongue was in the newbies mouth. It was simply electric, everything in Franklin’s body stood up at attention. Time was relative and space was non-existent. There two bodies like molecules combined to create a void in which no one, save the two of them existed. This black nebula next to a galaxy of naked bodies twisted up reaching for a rainbow of colored dots on a mat. 
Now here it is 2 A.M and as told Franklin was at J.J.'s apartment, they had been making out for a while, clothes were coming off. Things were heating up. Franklin paused their high school make-out session. He confessed to J.J., that he was new to all of this. That J.J was the first guy he had ever kissed and he wasn't sure about going all the way. Franklin dropped his face in his hand and crumbled under the weight of his embarrassment. J.J. lightened the mood by telling Franklin an embarrassing story of his first time. Over the next ten minutes Franklin learned that J.J. grew up on a farm, won't eat any green food, and got the story behind his PEACE and LOVE tattoos. In addition to being a weekend go-go boy, James Saint James, just finished filming his fifth film with International porn producer Kelan Drake, he had to fuck a cake and everything. Franklin could hardly believe what he was hearing. He was definitely in uncharted waters now. J.J. had been so nice, and sweet and open. Franklin didn’t want to come off as judgmental, or inexperienced, he was still processing how to fuck a cake, so he laughed it off.
“Kelan Drake produces porn? Isn’t he that guy that hosts a huge charity event to stop human trafficking? Keelan Drake angle investor for Chef Tony Oklen’s global restaurant empire. That Kelan Drake produces porn?”
“The best.” J.J. dialed Kelan to video chat. Franklin was intrigued, he had not seen much porn and what he had seen was mostly straight guys jacking off. Kelan answered. The producer was handsome and magnetic even over the phone. Then it happened…J.J. told Kelan that Franklin was a virgin. Perhaps a pro tip would put him at ease.
“Franklin don’t let him talk you into anything you don’t want to do. Our friend here is insatiable. I know that thirst look when I see it. A virgin, hmm I’m sure Franklin has his hands full, if he’s not having sex. The entendric phrase turned a double effortlessly, like silk in the breeze.
“I’ve got it covered boss, yes he is delicious and busy boy.” J.J. stared deep into Franklin’s brown eyes. He slowly began to kiss him. Franklin was slightly embarrassed and hesitated he started to pull away. J.J. gently caressed his face. Giving him a look, that indicated to Franklin you and me, our own black nebula. Franklin leaned in and the two began making out, Kelan still on the phone watching.
"That is fucking sexy guys. I could get off watching you two make-out together. What do you say, guys?  Mind if l come on you…just a little. I’ll show it off to you."

Franklin paused and looked at the screen and then back at J.J.…. Stunned Confusion. 

Get Your Copy Of Click Bait On Amazon Today


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